Volunteers are needed to lead events in January, Dates are the 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th.
Volunteers are needed to lead hikes in February. Dates available are Feb 11th, 18th and 25th.
Walker leaders needed for February 4, 1, 18, and 25.
Hike – Burgoyne Bay, the giant arbutus and the boulders. Meet at ArtSpring to car pool, departing at 12:30 or at the lower parking area in Burgoyne Bay to set out at 12:50. Note the early start time.
Hike – Bob Keates will lead a hike in Channel Ridge. Meet at ArtSpring to car pool at departing at 9:40 or at the top of Broadwell to set out at 10:00. Note earlier start times.
Walk – Carron will lead a walk on Jarrod’s Trail in the Cusheon Creek Reserve. Meet at ArtSpring at 10:00 or at the trailhead at 10:15. There is only slight elevation gain/loss over an approx 2 km trail but walking sticks would be advised as there are a lot of slippery leaves underfoot. Lunch can be enjoyed at nearby Beddis Beach.
Ramble – TBA
Hike – Crofton Lake. Meet at ArtSpring to car pool, departing at 11:30 or at Vesuvius to walk on the 12:05 ferry. Plan to return on the 4:50 ferry, although we may make it on the 3:35.
Hike -Leslie will lead an off-island hike that will take us up to the summit of Maple Mountain starting at the Southview Terrace trailhead. Forecast for Tuesday currently looks a bit chilly, mainly cloudy but with the possibility of a glimpse or two of sunshine.
This moderately challenging route is steep in places and we will encounter some muddy, wet, slippery bits so a pole(s) is strongly advised. Expect approx 9km, 500m elevation gain, 4.5 hrs on the trail (including stops and some spectacular views). *** Note: I am planning a late morning snack break so that we can have lunch at the summit around 1:00-1:30. Please pack food accordingly. ***
Meet at Portlock Park at 8:30am so we can organize carpooling and depart by 8:40 for the 9:35 ferry. Those wishing to carpool from Artspring or join a vehicle at the terminal should make arrangements in advance. Travel costs are $3pp to the driver for gas, plus ferry costs for the car ($24 on Experience Card) divided by the number of occupants including the driver. Passengers and driver pay personal ferry cost (if applicable) – don’t forget your ID and/or Experience Card.
We hope to catch the 3:35pm ferry home but allow for the later 4:50 just in case.
For drivers:
Directions to the trailhead https://www.google.com/maps/dir/Crofton+Terminal,+Crofton,+BC/48.82447,-123.62536/@48.8245897,-123.6308411,14.67z/data=!4m8!4m7!1m5!1m1!1s0x548f519635fdedd5:0x4c5aeeeab565679f!2m2!1d-123.6401499!2d48.8654957!1m0?entry=ttu
Don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about this hike.
Walk – Gillie will lead a walk from the old barn in Burgoyne Park toward the beach, and return to the cars along Burgoyne Road. This is a fairly short walk with time for a light lunch or snack & warming drink. Depart ArtSpring at 9:45 am or meet at the old barn on Burgoyne Road at 10:30 am.
NOTE the early departure from ArtSpring to allow for construction delays.
Ramble – We’ll meet at ArtSpring at 8:45 to carpool to the Vesuvius ferry which leaves at 9:35.
Then drive from Crofton to Chemainus to visit the Hand of Man Museum.
Entry fee is $15.00 for seniors.
We’ll have lunch in a restaurant in Chemainus.
Please let me know sooner than later if you will be going so we can figure out carpools??
Hike – Ruckle Park. Meet at ArtSpring to car pool, departing at 12:30 or at the Barns parking area in Ruckle Park to set out at 12:55. We will hike along the shore to King’s Cove, returning via Merganser Pond.
Hike – Ashley Hilliard will lead a hike starting at Beaver Point Hall, into Ruckle Park and then along south end trails and roads, including the Grandmother Tree. Carpool from ArtSpring departing at 09:40 or meet at Beaver Point Hall to set out at 10:05.
Walk – Sue will lead a waterfall walk starting on Mountain Road, shorter than in previous years and avoiding the steepest sections. We will walk down to the Refrigerator trail and follow a smaller trail over to the creek trail. Then up to a scenic grotto with waterfall for lunch. It’s a short walk back to the cars, with an optional walk up to see the Mountain Rd waterfall.
Depart ArtSpring at 10:00 am or meet at the Mountain Road parking area at 10:30 am. Park on Mountain Rd by the big S curve where the creek crosses the road. Driving distance to the parking place will be provided closer to the date. Watch for an email.
Ramble – Meet at Artspring at 10:30 to carpool and ramble around Brinkworthy.
Hike – Bob will lead a hike to Bold Bluff. Meet at ArtSpring to car pool, departing at 12:30 or at the parking area at Burgoyne Bay to set out at 12:50.
Hike – Jan McIntyre will lead a hike around Bryant Hill, Howard Horel and Andreas Vogt. 5.5 km and 320 m elevation gain. Meet at ArtSpring to car pool at departing at 9:40 or at the trailhead on Mereside to set out at 10:00. Car-poolers note earlier departure time.
Walk – Mary Lou will lead a loop walk on the Hatfield Trail with lunch at Yeo Point. The route is on the easier trails, avoiding the rough cliff side section. Depart ArtSpring at 10:00 am or meet at the trail head on Meyer Road at 10:30 am.
NOTE the early departure from ArtSpring to allow for construction delays.
Ramble – TBA
NB! Volunteers are needed to lead hikes on Tuesdays February 11th, 18th and 25th.
The Sullivan side of Burgoyne Bay, Up trail 22, continue on trail
23 and down 21. Meet at ArtSpring to car pool, departing at 1.00 pm or at the trailhead in Burgoyne Bay to set out at 1:15
Hike – Bob Keates will lead a hike along Holland Creek and up to Heart Lake. 10 km and 380 m elevation gain. Poles recommended for the steep ascent to Heart Lake. Meet at Portlock Park at 8:40 to car pool or at Vesuvius to drive on the 9:35 ferry. Expect to return on the 3:35 ferry.
Walk – TBA
Ramble – TBA
Ruckle Park via the Chris Hatfield Trail. Meet at ArtSpring to car pool, departing at 1.00 pm or at the trailhead at the end of Meyer Rd to set out at 1:20.
Holland Creek, Crystal Falls and the Rotary lookout. Meet at ArtSpring at 11:30 to car pool or at Vesuvius at 11:40 to drive on the 12.05 Ferry. Expect to return on the 4:50 ferry.
Manzanita Ridge and Mt Erskine starting from Toynbee Rd. Meet at ArtSpring to car pool, departing at 1.00 pm or at the trailhead on Toynbee Rd to set out at 1:20.
Volunteers are needed to lead hikes on Tuesdays February 11th, 18th and 25th.