The worst rain will come around noon, so let’s keep the early start.
Depart ArtSpring at 8:40
Meet at Ruckle at the lot at the Park Entrance to set out at 9:00.
Hilltop – Big Doug – Kings Cove – Coppermine Point – return
Walk – Bill Palmer will lead a clockwise loop walk on Channel Ridge from the Pringle Farm Road entrance. Distance: 7 km. Elevation: 140 m. Duration: 3.5hr.
From the trail head on Pringle Farm Road we will take the trail on the left, toward trail marker #9 avoiding the steep, worn out stair section of the trail. The loop part of the trail is relatively level with ups and downs. Lunch with a view.
Meet at ArtSpring for 10:00 am departure or at the trailhead at 10:15 am. Park in the turnaround at the top of Pringle Road.
Ramble – Meet at ArtSpring at 10:30 and we’ll ramble around Mouat’s Park.
Take your lunch.
Volunteers are needed to lead hikes in March; dates are March 11th, 18th and 25th.
Hike – The destination for today’s hike is at home by the fire.
Ruckle Park starting at the end of Meyer Rd. We take the Chris Hatfield Trail to Yeo Point and continue on the shoreline to Coppermine Point, returning to King’s Cove via Merganser Pond. Meet at Art Spring to car pool, departing at 1:00 pm or at the end of Meyer Rd to set out at 1:20.
Hike – Larry will lead today’s hike will take us up the Reginald Hill CRD Park, to a great view of Fulford Harbour at the top, then we’ll enter the 400 acres Reginald Hill Conservancy area established in 2023, with another outstanding view to the south, then along a quiet roads to the Tsawout Reserve where we’ll have lunch at the beach, then back to the cars along Reginald Hill Rd. 8.8 km 300 m elevation gain. Meet at ArtSpring at 940 or meet at the end of Morningside at 1005.
Walk – Sheila Spence will lead a moderately vigorous walk to the top of Mount Erskine from Trustees Trail on the least intense route. Distance: 3.5 km, Elevation: 175 m, Time: 3hr. Lunch, bench and dog dish inspection at the top.Meet at ArtSpring for 10:00 am departure or at the trailhead (end of Trustees Trail) at 10:15 am.
Ramble – Ramblers try again to meet at ArtSpring at 10:30 and walk around Mouat Park.
Take your lunch
Hike – Holland Creek, Crystal Falls and the Rotary lookout. Meet at ArtSpring at 11:30 to car pool or at Vesuvius at 11:40 to drive on the 12.05 Ferry. Expect to return on the 4:50 ferry.
Hike – A volunteer is need to propose and lead a hike.
Walk – Carron will lead the walk on the Dunbabin Trail and some other nearby trails. We’ll cover approximately 4.5 kms and walking sticks are recommended. We will end with lunch overlooking the beaver pond. Depart from ArtSpring at 10 am or at the Dunbabin Trailhead on Stark’s Road ar 10:15 am.
Hike – Channel Ridge starting from Pringle Farm Rd. Meet at ArtSpring to car pool, departing at 1.00 pm or at the trailhead at the top of Pringle Farm Rd to set out at 1:15.
Hike – Hike Bob Keates will lead a hike along Holland Creek and up to Heart Lake. 10 km and 380 m elevation gain. Poles recommended for the steep ascent to Heart Lake. Meet at Portlock Park at 8:40 to car pool or at Vesuvius to drive on the 9:35 ferry. Expect to return on the 3:35 ferry
The hike starts on the south side of Ladysmith and follows Holland Creek to join the trail up to Heart Lake. Meet at Portlock Park to car pool. If anyone intends to come directly to Vesuvius looking for a ride, please notify me so I can be sure of keeping a place for you in one of the cars.
MAP: Download the link below.
From the ferry, follow the road past the mill, and turn right on Chemainus Rd.
Follow Chemainus Rd to the first roundabout and take the left branch (Henry Rd).
Take Henry Rd up and turn right onto the Trans Canada.
Follow the Trans-Canada to the N.Davis intersection (shortly after the S.Davis intersection). This has lights and a left turn lane.
Turn left onto Davis, passing a plaza with a Coop Gas station, and Dogwood is the first turn to the right after the plaza. Go about 400 m along Dogwood, to a turnoff to the trailhead and a parking area. If you cross the bridge over Holland creek, you have gone too far. Hike is 10 km and with 380 m elevation gain. Poles recommended for the steep ascent to Heart Lake.
On the return journey, turn right from Dogwood onto Davis and enter the Trans-Canada at the S.Davis intersection. Continue to Henry Rd (lights and a left turn lane), passing River Rd (no lights) and Macmillan Bloedel Rd (lights) immediately before Henry Rd. If you miss Henry Rd, continue on the Trans Canada until you cross the green bridge and the first turn left (Mt Sicker Rd) will take you back to Crofton.
Expect to return on the 3:35 ferry.
WALK – Angie will lead a walk on the Jack Foster trail to the beach and back. This is a fairly easy trail with a short steep section, some exposed roots, and stairs to the beach. Elevation change 50 m. Distance 2 km. Note: High tide at 12:51 pm = 2.67m. (only 1 metre different from the 9:47am low tide). If it is dry enough, we may add Cupples Trail to the walk. Depart ArtSpring at 10:00 am or meet at the trail head parking area, corner of Sunset Drive and Southey Point Road.
Ramble – TBA
Hike – Mt Maxwell starting from the end of Armand Way. Up Trail #4 until it meets the upper Girlfriend #3, then trail #1 to the summit. Descend on the Armand trail. Meet at ArtSpring to car pool, departing at 1.00 pm or at the trailhead at the top of Armand Way to set out at 1:15.